Windows passwords are also used for:

  • Google
  • Infor
  • okta
  • EnerGov
  • Lucity Web
  • Other application that use your login ID or email account for authentication.

Ensuring you are Connected to the Network

When working from home, you must have your Fortinet VPN tunnel established and connected prior to resetting your password.

Once the tunnel is established, then you can proceed through the password reset process below.

If you are on the network at a city location, you are able to change your password without taking additional steps.

Changing your Password

Once you have logged in and, if needed, connected to the Fortinet VPN,

  1. Press the CTRL, ALT, and Delete keys at the same time.
  2. Click Change a password.
  3. Leave your login ID alone.
  4. Enter your current password.
  5. Enter a new password.
  6. Re-enter your new password.
  7. Click the arrow at the right of the confirm password field.


If you entered your current password correctly and twice entered a new password that met the secure password policy, you should see a confirmation of a successful password change.

If you received the error "User name or password is incorrect. Try again.", make sure you are meeting all of the password criteria below.

Password Requirements

  • Minimum of eight characters in length.
  • Must contain:
    • An upper case letter.
    • A lower case letter.
    • A number.
    • A special character: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] | \ ~ ` : ; " ' < > , . ? /
  • Must not be the same as any of your last 24 passwords.
  • Must not contain your first or last name.