1. Go to helpdesk.opkansas.org.
  2. Click one of the new ticket links

  3. Fill out the form. The fields in bold below always display. Additional fields not listed may display based on your answers.
    Screenshot Number Field Name Description
    Search a requester Defaults to the logged in user's email address. You may submit a ticket on behalf of any other employee with an @opkansas.org email address. Search by email, first or last name.
    Call Back Number Defaults to the work phone number for the requester when the ticket processes. Enter a different phone number if desired.
    3 Subject A small note about the ticket, like the subject of an email.
    4 Incident Category Keyword(s) to help I.T. and Facilities understand the nature of your request and make an initial assignment. If nothing fits, choose Software :: Other, Hardware :: Other or Facilities :: Other.
    5 How is this affecting your work? Can you still work?
    6 Who is facing the issue? Is the problem affecting only you, or is the impact broader?
    not shown Location Building where the problem is located.
    not shown Room / Area Room or area of the building where the problem is located.
    7 Description More details about the problem.
    8 Attach a file Attach files from your computer. You may use this link multiple times to attach as many files as needed. You may also paste images into the description field.
    9 Associate Asset The asset(s) affected by the ticket. By default, the list shows the logged in users' assets.
    Submit Click to save the ticket.