Accessing your Ticket List

Once you have created a ticket, you may want to view its progress or provide updates. From the FreshService Help Desk home page, click one of the two links indicated below.

The ticket list page displays.

Understanding your Ticket List

Filtering your Tickets

By default, FreshService displays your Open or Pending tickets. If you recently changed the filter, it may show the most recent filter you used. To change the filter:

  1. Click the down arrow next to the current filter (Open or Pending shown).
  2. Click another filter (All Tickets and Resolved and Closed shown).

Sorting your Tickets

  1. Click the up/down arrow to the right of Sort by.
  2. Click a sort field
  3. Click Ascending or Descending

Matching Tickets List

  1. Icon indicating source (phone, email, chat, etc..)
  2. Ticket ID, subject, date created and agent assignment
  3. Ticket status